State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save Program: Overview and Participation Guide

Originally posted on 03/24/2023 @ 3:02 AM

Auto insurance is mandated for drivers in many countries and serves as an essential service to cover damages and expenses in the event of an accident.
Insurance premiums are determined by various factors such as a driver’s age, driving history, and location.
State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save program aims to evaluate drivers’ behavior and encourage safe driving practices.
This article explains the program’s overview and how to participate.

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Program Overview

State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save program is a system that discounts insurance premiums for drivers who practice safe driving behaviors.
By collecting and evaluating driving data, drivers can receive up to a 30% discount on their premiums.
By participating in the program, drivers can enjoy both risk reduction and financial benefits through safe driving.

Evaluation of Driving Behavior

The Drive Safe & Save program evaluates the following driving behaviors:

  • Driving Time: The time of day and duration of driving are evaluated.
  • Acceleration & Deceleration: The frequency of sudden acceleration and hard braking is assessed.
  • Speed: Compliance with speed limits is evaluated.
  • Cellphone Use: Cellphone usage while driving is assessed.
  • If these behaviors meet safe driving standards, discounts on insurance premiums will be applied.

How to Participate

To participate in State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save program, follow these steps:

  1. Visit State Farm’s website or app and sign up for the program.
  2. Download and install the dedicated “Drive Safe & Save” app on your smartphone. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices.
  3. Open the app, create an account, and register your insurance policy information. Existing State Farm customers can use their existing account information.
  4. In the app settings, enable the collection of driving data and grant access permissions for location information and accelerometer.
  5. Carry your smartphone while driving and use the app to collect driving data. The data is regularly sent to State Farm for evaluation of driving behavior.
  6. After the evaluation period, State Farm analyzes the driving behavior and determines the discount rate. The applicable discount rate will be reflected in the next insurance premium update.
  7. Check the discounted insurance premium and continue to practice safe driving to maintain or improve the discount rate.

Points to Note

Participants should be aware of the following points regarding the program:

  • Participation in the program is free, but customers are responsible for their smartphone data usage costs.
  • If concerned about privacy, read and understand the terms and conditions related to the collection and provision of driving data.
  • Discount rates are periodically reviewed, so it is essential to continue and habituate safe driving practices.


State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save program encourages drivers to practice safe driving and offers discounts on insurance premiums.
By practicing appropriate driving behaviors, drivers can receive up to a 30% discount.
Participating is easy; simply use the dedicated app to collect and submit driving data. Join the program, develop safe driving habits, and enjoy financial benefits.

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